AP3000/AP3000e is a next-generation ultra-high-performance probing machine designed to achieve high precision, high throughput (index move, wafer handling, and wafer alignment), low vibration and low noise.
Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware software is installed as standard software on the machine.
The functions and operability of AP3000/AP3000e are inherited from previous models, and it maintains compatibility of recipe and map data. It is very user friendly with safety and security in mind.
Needle cleaning (cleaning wafer, or cleaning unit)
Fan filter unit (mini-environment)
HF jig/manipulator, Tester interface
Loader : 2 Loader / Automation with AMHS
Head stage tilt (Probe card tilt)
Chuck: Ambient / Hot temp. / Low temp. /Low noise
APC : Auto probe card exchange
Cassette ID reading
Wafer ID reading (Top surface / Back surface)
GB-IB Interface
Prober Network (Veganet, Light-Veganet, Vega-Planet, GEM)
PCAS (Probe card auto setup)
Probe card PGV
PLP testing for up to 300mm square